Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There are lots of talk about how water is good for the body and how it helps the body be happy and hydrates the inter organs. Yet, how does a person determine 
how much to drink? 
The common answer is 8 cups of water a day right? However, 8 cups of water is not the same for a person who weights 105lbs. vs someone that's 200lbs. There's a science behind this. The answer is as simple as the elements that make up H2O. A person should drink half their body's weight in oz.
For example, I weight 120lbs, and half of that is 60lbs. which makes my daily intake of water to be 60oz. or about 4 bottles of 16oz. Arrowhead.
For someone who is 200lbs. their daily intake should be 6-7 bottles of 16oz. of Arrowhead..if they drink arrowhead.
Now you try...

Your weight / half = your daily intake of water in oz. :]]
Your weight / half = daily intake / 16oz. (ave bottled water)= how much bottles to drink

Please keep in mind that over-drinking water can harm the body more then do it good. That's if you're drinking 10 gallons of water within an hour. Over drinking of water can cause your red blood cells to pop( water positioning) You should stay within how much your body needs-- plus, if you're drinking alcohol (which will dehydrate your body) add 1 to 2 more cups to your daily intake to flush the toxin out.